Thursday, January 10, 2013

one of those days

It was one of those days that I had to drink some Dr. Pepper at 10 AM with some ibuprofen to help mask the headache I was feeling.  One of those headaches brought on by not enough sleep.  I'm not a soda person at all- I love, no I mean seriously love water.  Anyways if it's not a day I go to work than I would have slipped on my nike's and exercised the ache away.  Luckily for me they ordered lunch for us here at work today.  Hires yum!  If you have never tried the grilled ham and cheese on a poppy seed bun you have got to try it.  It took me back to April, after birthing class Sam and I would stop at Hires on the way home and get a grilled ham and cheese and shake to share. (lucky for me my doctor was always worried about weight gain and said to eat whatever sounded good) Too bad we only made it to 2 birthing classes because after I went into pre-term labor I wasn't allowed to leave the house, even for birthing class.  PHEW! Mack still made it here safe and sound.  

Mack has always been a good sleeper.  Seriously the day we brought him home from the hospital my parents brought us dinner and left that night kind of laughing like- 'have a good night, good luck'  well Mack slept like 5 hours straight and typically did.  I've heard that is pretty good for a newborn.  By 2 months we were sleeping at least 7 hours uninterrupted.  I think it's because the last 2 months of pregnancy I couldn't get up, he learned to sleep being still maybe??  You can imagine what a shock it was when at about 4 months he learned to really move, like seriously get around using his crib rails.  He woke himself up over and over again and we had no idea what to do!  It felt like it lasted forever those sleepless nights of waking up ever 2-3 hours.  (however I admit I look back at it and it seems like forever ago and like a blink of the eye).  We got back to sleeping through the night about a month later 10 hour stretches it was perfect, then Christmas hit and then Mack got sick and then he got his bottom 2 teeth in the middle of being sick- so sleeping through the night is a very foreign concept.  Well we had a discussion 2 nights ago deciding how to take care of it, we decided we wouldn't pick him up in the middle of the night, we would give him his binky and sing one song and leave him.  We would go in originally after 5 minutes, then increase the time out of his room by 5 minutes each time.  We went to sleep ready to take him on and guess what he slept!  yep 10 hours straight.  He is such a tease.  Last night was a different story, but our plan worked and he fell asleep on his own after about an hour of on and off complaining crying.  He woke up this morning at 730 bright and happy!  How do you feel about letting your little ones cry themselves to sleep?  What did you do?  What worked and what didn't? 

I can't believe how no matter how frustrating or challenging a night can be I always wake up eager to play with Mack and see him.  I just can't be mad at him or not excited to see him. 
Watch this clip of him learning a new trick... he is so clever. 

1 comment:

  1. Haha--That is so cute! What a smart kid! And what a DARLING kid! Seriously, Manda, his eyes are SO big and handsome! I can't wait to see him again in person!
    I'm anxious to hear how things go with your sleeping plan. That's something I worry about when Beth gets older. I'm sure I'll be coming to you for advice! In the meantime, good luck!
